Supervisor Information
Norris Supervisor Hiring Information
There are several steps you will need to take when hiring Norris student employees.
1) Job Posting
- - This form must be submitted to post a Norris job on the Norris website.
2) Hiring Decision
- - After an offer is accepted this form must be submitted for all new employees, returning employees, summer employees , and non-leadership search promotions.
- Hiring Checklist for Supervisors (PDF)
3) Hiring Paperwork Required
- New Norris Employee Packet (PDF): For all new Norris student employees. If the student has held a job on campus prior to Norris, they may not need to complete all forms.
- Background Check Form (PDF) (if applicable) - New Employees in ARTica, Game Room, Norris Outdoors, Mini Courses, Cashier's Office, and Center Desk need to have a background check completed.
4) Hiring Completion
- Once the student employees paperwork is complete and processed, you will see them populate in to your CAESAR. If you do not see them in Kronos within 72 hours of paperwork completion, please reach out to Norris Student Payroll
Job Performance Evaluation
- A mid-year employee learning assessment must be completed for all active student employees who started working before Thanksgiving.
A year-end employee performance evaluation must be completed for all active student employees.
Job Exiting
A must be submitted when a student employee is no longer employed.
Supervisor Resources
- (PDF)
- FERPA Form (PDF) - Student employees who will need employment verification for future employment or internships need to submit a FERPA Form.