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Thank-You Notes

Sending thank-you notes after interviews and networking meetings leaves a positive impression, creates opportunity for ongoing communication, and strengthens your candidacy.

Follow up after Interviews and Networking

Thank-you notes may be handwritten or emailed—consider the organization’s culture and your contact’s timeline. An email, received quickly, is a better choice after an interview with a quick decision turnaround. After an informational interview, a handwritten thank-you note is a strong choice that will leave a positive impression. If you choose to handwrite your note, use good- quality paper and make sure your writing is legible. Proofread your note to ensure there are no errors. Both hand-written and emailed thank-you notes should be sent within 48 hours of an exchange.

Thank-you notes are a professional courtesy, not a call to action—keep in mind that employers often do not reply to them.

Thank-You Note Tips

A thank-you note should contain two or three of these elements:
  1. Show your appreciation.
  2. Highlight an aspect of the conversation that captured your interest.
  3. Reiterate your relevant qualifications.
  4. Communicate your continued interest in the opportunity